Sunday, October 19, 2014

Operation: NEPHI'S BABIES (September 29)

It's been a crazy week! I'm loving serving in the Meridian 14th Ward. It's a change for sure but I like it. Here are a few people we're working with<AF3.gif>

Wes, Kelsey, Dylan & Peyton: This family has a crazy story. Wes has been in and out of jail since he was about 14 and has been into some things that nobody really should be. Kelsey had her records removed years ago and hasn't been to church since. They have two kids, Dylan (14) and Peyton (10). Wes had an awakening of sorts a few months ago and just wanted to start to come to church again. We went over to meet them on Tuesday and Wes is so funny. He is blunt about everything and was throwing thing out like, "I need my girl, Peyton, to be baptized. She really wants it," or "Our family needs to to this or that," It was amazing to see his want for his family to get back into the church. We had a really good lesson and ended with a commitment for the family to come to church. At first Kelsey was really hesitant but you could see the want she has to come back. Just stubborn. On Sunday, they all showed up! Change is coming for that family.

Tricia, Maddy, Mikey & Sayge: Maddy is 10 years old and has been waiting two years to be baptized. Her parents are divorced and dad is just not a nice person. I don't know how everything works out but we have someone in our ward who specializes in Family & Divorce Law and apparently there is something different about Utah's Law (where dad is) and Idaho's Law (where the rest of the family is) that gives mom the final say. We didn't want to agree to it just yet just for the simple fact that we usually have to have both parents okay the baptism but we got our Mission President's approval. When we told Maddy at church that she could be baptized, she was so happy. I don't think I've seen a 10 year old cry before because they were happy. 

Sam: Oh, how I love Sam.. He was invited to take the lessons by a co-worker who lives in our ward. He's fantastic! The first week he was taught, the sisters taught him the first 3 lessons. The next week was lesson 4 and more emphasis on the Book of Mormon. We met with him this week and I didn't know what to expect. He's crazy! I love it. He really has a desire to know if the gospel is true and can feel that there is something there. The only reason why he doesn't have a date or something is because he lives out in Kuna.. Which happens to be right next to our area and out of our mission. Frustrating having such a small mission! He's been in contact with the missionaries out there but they have only met with him once in the past 3 weeks. They are meeting with him tomorrow so hopefully they can get him progressing like the sisters have here.

This past week has been spent just working to get to know the area a little bit. I always said I wanted to train and open a new area my last two transfers. I got the next best thing. Sister Bottomley has only been out 3 months so basically still training and doesn't know the area that well. It's been fun cleaning up the Area book and finding new investigators out of the pile of old ones that used to be taught. Most still aren't interested but there are a few that would like us to come back. It's kind of like opening a new area except we have a little bit of a head start since Sister Bottomley knows a few of the people here. It's great! (Explaination for the babies. At dinner last night, one of the girls asked if we'd seen a book called "Nephi's Babies". We were super confused but basically it's just a book of babies dressed up in Book of Mormon attire. It was just a funny conversation)

Hope everyone is having a great week and talk to you later!

-Sister Hatch

(i love my job)

Pictures! (slacking this week..)
1. Sister Bottomley making faces at our WML's son, Turner.
2. Maddy showing off for us last night (this girls is crazy flexible!) 
3 & 4. Pictures from Temple trip with Sister Houseman & Sister Smith

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