How can I keep calm with only 13 days left?!?! Easy for them to say.. haha
Just found this on the "Many Are Called but Few Are Sisters" page on Facebook posted by a sister who will be serving in Virginia leaving the same day as me. The wonderful world of fb is usually just a waste of time in my personal opinion other than to catch up with old friends or family that lives quite a ways away. Ever since I joined this group, however, my view has changed. I love this page and have met with and talked to several amazing sisters that I will serve with come June 5th. I have also talked to other sisters from around the world and it is just amazing to talk to other girls that have the same passion for this gospel as I do.
Oh! I also just found out that my friend and former Gunnsion Bulldog Logan Adams is leaving for the MTC the same day as me:) Being in the same ward that means that we will have our farewells on the same day! (this Sunday) I am really excited for him as he is serving in the Philippines Tacloban Mission! My dad served in the Philippines so I think that it is really neat that he will be serving there. Although I am nervous for Sunday because of the fact he is a very eloquent speaker and has a flair for the poetic. Heard him speak at graduation last year and it was really good. We'll see how it all goes BUT this means that I most likely do not have to give a 20 minute talk like I was told I was scheduled for so I thank you, Logan:)
Time is running out for time here but I can't wait to head to that MTC in Provo! Write you all later!
- (Almost) Sister Hatch
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